- Child Exploitation
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Child Criminal Exploitation
- Modern Day Slavery and Trafficking
- Child on Child Abuse
- Risks Outside the Home [Contextual Safeguarding]
- Serious Youth Violence
- Online Exploitation
Child Exploitation:
Child Exploitation Disruption Toolkit
This toolkit has been developed to support frontline practitioners to safeguard children and young people under the age of 18 from sexual and criminal exploitation. This includes social workers, police officers, housing officers, education staff, healthcare staff, charity staff, and others.
Multi-Agency Practice Principles for Responding to Child Exploitation & Extra-familiar Harm
The Principles are designed to be broad and flexible enough to support effective partnership
working across different local contexts, while providing a common language and framework
to better respond to child exploitation and extra-familial harm. They aim to guide, but not
prescribe, how local partnerships and individual agencies or professionals might usefully shape
their approach, i.e. the Practice Principles are intended as a compass, rather than a map.
Appropriate Language in Relation to Child Exploitation
When talking about children and exploitation, language matters. It can be the difference between a child being properly safeguarded or put at further risk of exploitation. This document seeks to provide guidance to professionals on the appropriate use of language when discussing children and their experience of exploitation in a range of contexts.
Capturing & Reporting Intelligence Toolkit
This toolkit can be used by families, professionals and community members to help understand what intelligence is and how it can be reported to assist the police to prevent, investigate and disrupt crime.
Child Sexual Exploitation:
Child Sexual Exploitation
Definition and a guide for practitioners, local leaders and decision makers working to protect children from child sexual exploitation
Child Sexual Exploitation & How to Keep Your Child Safe
Finding out a child has been sexually exploited can be distressing and you might not know what to do next. Young people often trust their abuser and don’t know that what’s happening is wrong or are unable to tell anyone due to fear, intimidation and violence. The NSPCC have advice to help you keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation.
Young Person-Centred Approaches in Child Sexual Exploitation
Young person-centred approaches in child sexual exploitation (CSE) – promoting participation and building self-efficacy.
Child Criminal Exploitation
Stages of Recruitment – Children At Risk of Exploitation (CARE)
This document has been designed with young people to outline the grooming process as they experience it.
Criminal Exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: County Lines guidance
Criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults is a geographically widespread form of harm that is a typical feature of county lines activity. It is a harm which is relatively little known about or recognised by those best placed to spot its potential victims. This guidance is intended to explain the nature of this harm to enable practitioners to recognise its signs and respond appropriately so that potential victims get the support and help they need.
Children and Young People Trafficked for the Purpose of Criminal Exploitation in Relation to County Lines – A Toolkit for Professionals
The term county lines is becoming widely recognised and used to describe situations where children or young people may be internally trafficked for the purpose of criminal exploitation. What is often less understood are the experiences a child or young person faces, and the potential for them to be
harmed through various forms of abuse and exploitation as a result. This toolkit hopes to address some gaps in knowledge and offer suggestions for supporting young people who are being, or at risk of being, trafficked for the purpose of criminal exploitation.
Modern Day Slavery and Trafficking
National Referral Mechanism Video
National County Lines Coordination Centre video resource
National Referral Mechanism Guidance (adult cases)
The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is a framework for identifying and referring potential victims of modern slavery and ensuring they receive the appropriate support.
Child on Child Abuse
What is Peer on Peer Abuse? – Ofsted: schools and further education & skills (FES) [Blog]
Sean Harford, National Director for Education, and Yvette Stanley, National Director for Social Care, discuss peer-on-peer abuse: what it is, what schools should be doing when it happens and how we’ve trained our inspectors to recognise it.
Child on Child Abuse
Child on child on child abuse can be motivated by perceived differences e.g. on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or other differences.
Risks Outside the Home [Contextual Safeguarding]
Contextual Safeguarding
On this website you will find publications and practice resources produced by the Contextual Safeguarding research programme.
Video – What is Contextual Safeguarding?
This short video provides an overview of contextual safeguarding and what it means in practice for different social contexts.
Serious Youth Violence
Serious Youth Violence Strategy
This strategy sets out how we will respond to serious violence. The strategy consolidates the range of very important work already being taken forward and renews our ambition to go further, setting out a number of significant new proposals.
Youth Justice Resource Hub
This contains a selection of resources including references to relevant research, practice examples, case management guidance and national policy and toolkits.
Ben Kinsella Trust – Tackling Knife Crime
Tackling Knife Crime – programmes, resources, campaigns and more.
Fearless website
Fearless is a site where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. What makes this site different is we also provide you with a safe place to give information to us about crime –Â 100% anonymously.
Supporting young people to make more positive choices when it comes to knife crime and youth violence. No Knives, Better Lives is a prevention, early intervention and education programme in Scotland. We help youth workers and practitioners working with young people to empower those who may be at risk of youth violence to choose a better path.
Knife Crime: A Problem Solving Guide
This guide is grounded in the best available evidence of what is effective in fighting crime. The guide has a strong focus on using data to understand problems, design responses, measure effectiveness and drive improvement.
Online Exploitation
Keeping Children Safe Online
Young people should be able to be creative, personal and expressive, without threats from bullies or people looking to befriend, manipulate and abuse them. The Children’s Society fight for this right by spreading the word of online safety and working with children at risk of being groomed online.
Online Safety
We all have a part to play in keeping children safe online. Find out how with the NSPCC’s online safety guides.