Non-Accidental Injury

What is non-accidental injury (NAI)?

Non-accidental injury (NAI) includes injuries that result from deliberate actions against a child or a failure to prevent injury. NAIs may include:

  • Head Injuries
  • Skeletal Fractures
  • Thermal Injuries (e.g. Burns, Scalds, Acids)
  • Visceral Injuries (Injuries to internal organs)
  • Cold Injuries (damage to the body from cold exposure e.g. Hypothermia)
  • Ingestions & Poisonings
  • Soft Tissue Injuries (e.g. Bruises, Bites, Lacerations)
  • Asphyxiation & Cardiac Arrest

Factors that can increase RISK of NAI:

  • The intrinsic vulnerability of babies and their total dependence on their key care giver 
  • Financial challenges
  • Social isolation
  • Parental mental health difficulties
  • Drug and alcohol misuse
  • Domestic abuse and parental conflict
  • Fathers and male care givers – stress factors can affect their ability to cope with the demands of caring for a baby particularly when the baby cries
  • Lack of access to services
NHS Somerset Foundation Trust – midwifery
Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel
Ten-4-FACESp – to help early detection of child abuse
SSCP – Neglect in unborn and young children
SDAS – Somerset Drug & Alcohol Service
ICON in Somerset
Six key tips for talking with families about parental conflict
Good relationships are the key to healing trauma
Somerset Public Health Nursing
ICON Week 2023 – ICON in schools
Preventing Traumatic Head Injury
First 1001 Days webinar with the Fatherhood Institute

This eLearning training is designed to equip you with the knowledge, information and skills that you will need to discuss ICON with prospective parents.

In this eLearning introductory course you’ll gain a greater awareness of what is meant by parental conflict and why it matters.

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