Make Your Mark, the UK’s biggest consultation for 11-18s, is live!

Schools and Colleges can enable their young people to participate in the biggest democratic ballot and help platform youth voice. This years Make Your Mark ballot for young people aged 11-18 years goes live from Monday 29th January to Friday 8th March 12pm. It’s easy to feel excluded from UK elections especially when impactful issues […]

Make Your Mark, the UK’s biggest consultation for 11-18s, is live! Read More »

Policies and Procedures

Working together to safeguard children 2023: summary of changes

The Department for Education (DfE) published a new edition of its statutory guidance Working together to safeguard children in December 2023. The 2023 edition replaces Working together to safeguard children 2018, which underwent a limited factual update in 2020. The guidance outlines what organisations and agencies must and should do to help, protect and promote

Working together to safeguard children 2023: summary of changes Read More »

Reducing Parental Conflict

Free services to help Somerset parents reduce unhealthy relationship conflict The challenge Louie, aged 8: “My mum and dad spend so much time hating each other they don’t have a lot of time to love me”. Shakira, aged 14: “It’s when she picks up her phone and sighs and rolls her eyes, I know it’s

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Youth Parliament Elections 2023: Nominations are now open!

Somerset Youth Parliament offers children and young people from across Somerset the opportunity to have their voice heard, influence positive change and help improve things for young people in Somerset. Nominations open in September and voting opens after nominations close on Monday 13 November. > For more information on the upcoming Youth Parliament elections scan

Youth Parliament Elections 2023: Nominations are now open! Read More »

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