Report a Concern

If you are worried about a vulnerable child and would like our help, please don’t stay silent.

In an emergency always contact the police by dialling 999

Safeguarding is everybody’s business

If you are worried about a child or young person who could be in danger, please contact:

Children’s Social Care on 0300 123 2224
Police: 101 or in an emergency 999

The Family Front Door Consultation Line

Contact the Family Front Door if you are a Designated Safeguarding Lead or GP and you require real time advice about a child/ren/family you are supporting, or if you are considering making a referral to Children Services but are unsure and want guidance, or to sound out your thinking in a safe space.

To contact the Family Front Door call: 0300 123 3078

Give us information about a suspected vulnerable or exploited person

If you come across any information to suggest a young person is at risk of exploitation, please submit intelligence through the Avon & Somerset Police portal.  

Please note – this is not a referral form or early help notification form and does not replace any pre-existing referral or notification mechanism. 

Allegations Reporting Form

To notify the LADO of an allegation, an Allegations Reporting Form (ARF) will need to be completed and forwarded to Somerset Direct: 

Alternatively, you can phone Somerset Direct on 0300 123 2224 and request an ARF. 

Allegations Reporting Form 


If you are concerned that a child, young person, or adult might be at risk of radicalisation due to their ideology, membership, or affiliation with extremist groups (including online or social media activity), you should (1) Share your concerns with your Designated Safeguarding Lead; and (2) Follow your organisation’s due process.

For guidance visit Making a referral to Prevent.

For Referrals: please note, Prevent referrals cannot be made with an EHA.

If a prevent referral is appropriate, you will need to complete the National Prevent referral form which should be sent to the Regional Police Prevent Team:

You can phone 01278 647466, Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. For out of hours advice, phone 101

For general enquiries and guidance: Contact Somerset Council at or visit Prevent in Somerset.