What is youth violence?
The Avon & Somerset Violence Reduction Partnership embraces a priority focus on the prevention and reduction of public space violence for under 25s (children and young people); including homicide, attempted homicide, robbery, wounding, grievous bodily harm, knife and gun crime, alcohol and drug related violence and areas of criminality where serious violence or its threat is inherent, such as county lines and modern slavery.
Serious youth violence can include:
- Serious Violence
- Sexual Violence
- Serious and Organised Crime, including drug distribution networks
- Human Trafficking/Modern Slavery
- Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)
- Persistent or escalating Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)
Factors that can increase RISK of Serious Youth Violence:
- Children with low self-esteem or self-confidence​
- Lack of friends in the same age group​
- Living in a chaotic or dysfunctional household (including parental substance misuse, mental health issues, parental criminality​)
- History of domestic abuse​
- History of neglect​
- History of familial sexual abuse​
- Learning difficulties​
- Unsure of their sexual orientation or unable to talk to their family about it​
- Associating with young people who are being sexually exploited​
- Homelessness​
- Living in residential care or are a Young Carer themselves​
- Experiences of loss or death
These are just some of the circumstances that may leave children vulnerable to abuse or exploitation – it is not exhaustive.
Where to report concerns
Support for young people and families
Practitioner resources
Guides and Tools:
Video resources:
Podcast episodes:
Further reading
- Avon and Somerset Violence Reduction Partnership – Annual Report 2022/23
- Children, violence & vulnerability 2023 Summary – The second annual Youth Endowment Fund report into young people’s experiences of violence (November 2023)
- An analysis of indicators of serious violence – Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study and the Environmental Risk (E-Risk) Longitudinal Twin Study Research Report 110 (Victoria Smith and Edward Wynne-McHardy, July 2019)
- The role of systems of support in serious youth violence: evidence and gaps – Deep Dive (Open Innovation Team, June 2023)
- Serious violence – foundational system mapping (Youth Endowment Fund Research 2023)
- Serious youth violence and its relationship with adverse childhood experiences (Dr Paul Gray, Professor Hannah Smithson and Dr Deborah Jump, HM Inspectorate of Probation Academic Insights 2021/13)