The SSCP Training Team created this survey to ensure that the SSCP training offer is inclusive and responsive to the needs of professionals across Somerset and that we are providing you with the best offer. We would like to express a huge thank you to everyone that took the time to complete the SSCP Training Development Feedback Survey, we appreciate all your responses and so we’re keen to bring to you how we are implementing your feedback into the future training offer.
Online or Face to Face?
Our survey responses showed that there remains an appetite for some training to continue to be delivered online, with many people mentioning the accessibility and ease of this, including those with specific needs and disabilities who have found being able access training online has opened up many opportunities to them which were previously unavailable.
We were able to see that the majority of responses were in favour of full day training sessions to be held face-to-face and for half day sessions to preferably be held virtually.
In response to this the SSCP will continue to deliver a ratio of 4:1 face-to-face to online sessions, as well as availability of delivery over holiday periods and at weekends.
Further to our current online half day sessions, we will be expanding some of these to include face-to-face delivery in order to respond to different learning styles – these sessions include the “LADO – Low Level Concerns” and “Raising Awareness of Child Exploitation” courses.
Location of Training
Your responses indicated that Taunton, Bridgwater, and Yeovil were the most sought after areas for face-to-face training.
In response to the request to have training venues across the county the SSCP have worked hard to secure the following training locations:
2 venues in Bridgwater (Sedgemoor)
2 venues in Yeovil (South Somerset)
1 venue in Taunton (Taunton & West Somerset)
1 venue in Glastonbury (Mendip)
1 venue in Long Sutton (Central)
The SSCP would like to express thanks to these venues. Good relationships have been built with each of these venues to ensure that we are able to meet the needs of both the delegates and the trainers. We will continue our search for additional venues so that we can further expand our training offer across the county.
When would you like Bitesize sessions and which topics would you like to be covered?
As part of the further development of the training offer we have been keen to explore a variety of delivery models to meet different learning styles, as well as accommodate changing work patterns and service demands.
Alongside our continued development of animations, films, CPD materials and podcasts we asked whether providing shorter, 1hr long, ‘bite-sized sessions’ on specific subjects would help professionals to access a wider range of learning opportunities.
It was identified that the start and final hour of a working day was the most popular response in which you would be able to attend a bitesize learning session. The SSCP are currently reaching out to partners to discuss the topics and content to enable us to facilitate training at these times.
The SSCP value the topics that have been requested and are excited to bring a multi-agency approach to developing knowledge and confidence in these areas.
We continue to welcome suggestions of topics to explore further, that will have a positive benefit to the support children, young people and families receive.
So far, we have had a number of suggestions including:
- Information Sharing
- Completing an EHA
- How to run an effective Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting
- Domestic Abuse
- Exploitation
What are the barriers you face in accessing training?
You were open and honest about the barriers faced when booking training.
We were delighted that the feedback indicated that the booking system that was implemented a couple of years ago has made the SSCP Training offer more accessible and user friendly.
We acknowledge that time constraints and organisational pressures are often a barrier to attending training events.
In recognition of this, the SSCP will be providing developing the 1 hour bitesize sessions mentioned above, which we are looking to introduce later this year.
The SSCP appreciate that finances are often a barrier and as a result always work to ensure that the costs to attendees is kept to a minimum, whilst keeping the standard of training high and continuing to offer a wide range of free courses.
The SSCP meet with other partnerships across the region on a regular basis to review the costings and standardisation of training, this ensures we are providing a fair offer and in line with other Partnerships.
We are pleased to share that we are able to provide one of the largest free training offers across the region, which is open and accessible to anyone who supports children and families across the County.
Your request to be able to book training on behalf of others has been heard and is available via the delegate manager function, more information, including a video and written guide on how to do this here.
Next Steps…
Although the survey has now concluded we’re always open to ideas and suggestions on how we can make the training offer even better.
Your voice really is essential in enabling us to develop the training available through the SSCP – so if you haven’t already had chance to respond please continue to leave your feedback here.
We promise you that any points that are raised will be reviewed and taken into account for future developments.