Success at Somerset’s first Non-Accidental Injury Awareness week!

We have been thrilled to see the amount of people engaging with the resources, including sharing a social media post, listening to a podcast, using a campaign background in a Teams/Zoom meeting and pinning our NAI Awareness poster to your staff notice board.

In July 2024, our #nurture_all_infants campaign aimed to provide practitioners working with families with an increased awareness of risk factors associated with NAIs. The new Non-accidental Injury webpage has been launched on the SSCP website, which provides links, resources and support for families to access, along with guidance for parents and carers.

Keep the campaign going!

You can continue to support the key messages of this important campaign by downloading and sharing the NAI Awareness poster below:

If you missed the episodes, you can listen to our NAI week P-Pod podcasts below:

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