Introducing ‘The P Pod’ – the Partnership Podcast from the SSCP which will provide learning on the go.

This month, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the new SSCP Podcast ‘The P Pod’, which will be available on all major podcasting platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts.
This will provide you with an opportunity to meet the agencies across the Partnership who will help you to support children, young people and their families across Somerset, also exploring local and national learning to improve your safeguarding practice. The podcast will enable you to access major updates on safeguarding legislation and guidance, as well as finding out more about specific subject areas.
Work has been undertaken during the summer to work with professionals, young people as well as members of the National Safeguarding Panel to deliver key safeguarding messages to you! This includes the voices of young people speaking about their experiences of sexual abuse and harassment in schools, specifically covering what does and does not work to tackle the issue. Further information will be provided on subjects such as Young Carers, Private Fostering and Special Guardianship Orders, Reducing Parental Conflict, Safeguarding in Midwifery and so much more which we cannot wait to bring you.
We also have a series of episodes on Motivational Interviewing (MI), with Trainer Jackie Webb, where we talk about how Motivational Interviewing can be used to support positive change in families lives.
Episodes will be published on a fortnightly basis from September, so make sure you follow/subscribe on your favourite platform to ensure that you never miss out on the most up to date news.
You can access The P Pod HERE, or just click on the icon in the top right of any SSCP webpage
If you or your agency would like to take part in a future episode, or have any questions or comments arising from previous episodes we’d love you to get in touch with us at