Changes to Training T&Cs for free (funded) courses

We’ve recently made some important changes to the training Terms & Conditions for SSCP courses which are offered as free (funded) places to attend, which we wanted to explain what they are and why we have made them.

What Are the Changes?

From July 2023, training that is offered as ‘free’ to attend will initially be charged at the full rate for that course (typically £70) on booking, with the full amount then refunded once the training is attended. The cost will be refunded within 2 weeks of attending the training and will be credited to the payment card that the original payment was made on.

Why Have You Made These Changes?

The SSCP has one of the largest offers nationally of training which is provided free to practitioners and managers working in Somerset to attend. Although this training is free to access there is still a substantial cost to providing them, including the cost of venue hire, refreshments and facilitators fees, with this cost being funded by the Partnership.
Nationally attendance at all training is around 50%, however in Somerset attendance figures are significantly higher, except on courses offered for free to attend, where currently only about half of the places booked attend.
Booking on training but not attending, has resulted in denying spaces to others wishing to attend and reduces the ability to disseminate key learning. Many courses are oversubscribed and often there are people on waiting lists for courses for events.
Therefore, in order to encourage attendance on funded courses, we have implemented the new T&Cs with the aim of this improving attendance. If you should wish to cancel a booking you’ve made you can still do this as usual and receive a full refund of the booking fee, as long as it is prior to 14 days of the date of the event.

If you’d like to review the Training T&Cs they can be found HERE and if you’d like to get in touch to discuss further please don’t hesitate to email us at

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