Updates to the Pre-birth safeguarding plan template

The Partnership has updated the template for Pre-Birth Planning meetings as a result of a recent Non-Accidental Injuries learning review.

Pre-birth Planning meetings identify the support needed around the labour, birth and stay in hospital of families who are open to Children’s Social Care. The meeting involves the family and key professionals supporting them, including the Midwife, Health Visitor and Social Worker.

The Pre-birth safeguarding plan contains the record of the support agreed in the meeting.

Summary of changes:

  • Wording changes to consider safeguarding needs in the early postnatal period (as well as during the birth).
  • Clearer definition of whether parenting observations (health staff recording their observations of parenting whilst delivering clinical care) or supervision (arrangements made by Children’s Social Care to ensure the safety of the baby) are required.
  • Additional question asking whether a Children’s Social Care Hospital Risk Assessment is required. This assessment is only used in high risk situations to manage the safety of the child in relation to the risk posed by the parents or family.

You can find the updated Pre-birth safeguarding plan template here!

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