Early Help Assessment (EHA)

Within Somerset we take a holistic approach to identifying support for unborn babies, children, young people and their families. The Early Help Assessment (EHA) is a tool to enable all services to gather information, form a holistic overview of the family’s needs and support professional judgement to provide the right support, in the right place, at the right time.

The Early Help Assessment belongs to the family and should be completed in partnership with the child, young person and their family and openly shared and discussed.

The Early Help Assessment can be used to:

  • Guide and support your intervention and support with children, young people and families you support.
  • Request support from other agencies.
  • Consider a Team Around the Family (TAF) approach.
  • Request involvement from children’s social care for safeguarding concerns.

An Early Help Assessment is a working tool and should be updated regularly by professionals. It is the responsibility of those professionals completing the Early Help Assessment to keep a copy within their agency so that they can refer back to this as and when required.

You can find out more about Early Help Assessments and supporting documentation via the link below:

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