Initial Child Protection Conference (ICPC)

An Initial Child Protection Conference (ICPC) will be arranged following a strategy discussion and when section 47 child protection enquiries conclude that concerns of significant harm are substantiated and the child is judged to be suffering, or likely to suffer significant harm.

If a child protection conference is required, this must be held within 15 days of the initial strategy discussion. The aim of the ICPC is to consider the harm we are worried about, how it is impacting on the child(ren), and to identify the strengths of the family and the protective factors, which contribute to reducing the risk and preventing harm to the child(ren). The child and family are supported to share their views directly through attendance, discussion with the Child Protection Coordinator, or through an advocate.

A multi-agency decision is sought at the end of the conference as to whether the child is likely to continue to experience significant harm, and whether they should be supported with a Child Protection Plan.

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