What is non-accidental injury (NAI)?
Non-accidental injury (NAI) includes injuries that result from deliberate actions against a child or a failure to prevent injury. NAIs may include:
- Head Injuries
- Skeletal Fractures
- Thermal Injuries (e.g. Burns, Scalds, Acids)
- Visceral Injuries (Injuries to internal organs)
- Cold Injuries (damage to the body from cold exposure e.g. Hypothermia)
- Ingestions & Poisonings
- Soft Tissue Injuries (e.g. Bruises, Bites, Lacerations)
- Asphyxiation & Cardiac Arrest
Factors that can increase RISK of NAI:
- The intrinsic vulnerability of babies and their total dependence on their key care giver
- Financial challenges
- Social isolation
- Parental mental health difficulties
- Drug and alcohol misuse
- Domestic abuse and parental conflict
- Fathers and male care givers – stress factors can affect their ability to cope with the demands of caring for a baby particularly when the baby cries
- Lack of access to services