Are you asking yourself – “Why doesn’t he change?”
The Somerset REPROVIDE programme is for male perpetrators of domestic abuse who are violent &/or abusive to their intimate female partners.
REPROVIDE groups are:
- Free, weekly face to face sessions (23 sessions) for men who abuse women in their intimate relationships
- The REPROVIDE team in Somerset are the only Somerset provider to have achieved full RESPECT Accreditation
- Our Women’s Support Officer offers expert support to every partner and ex-partner of men on the programme for the duration of their involvement
- No complicated referral process!
- No waiting lists – we are particularly keen on recruiting men who can access our Taunton group.
REPROVIDE is a research study, run in partnership with the University of Bristol. We have two key aims:
- To lift the responsibility off victims/survivors & encourage accountability and behaviour change in people who are causing the harm. This will in turn improve the lived experiences for survivors and their children.
- To increase awareness of the benefits of these programmes and therefore create more funding, resources and opportunity for behaviour change programmes to develop further.
The research programme is due to end in November 2023. We only have until a couple more weeks to get someone the support they need to change their abusive behaviours.
If you’ve been considering making a referral, please do act now so that families can benefit from the support we offer, before our programme draws to a close. You can simply pass this information to men and encourage them to contact us or ask them for permission for you to email us with their name and contact number and we will do the rest!
Email or