We need you to work together… safeguarding children in Somerset

It was an honour to present the collaborative film We Need You To Work Together last week on the 28th March at the SSCP conference Partnership – more than just Working Together.

As elected Members of Somerset Youth Parliament we are dedicated and passionate about empowering youth voice, and as such it was a great privilege to be able to present the short film that Youth Parliament and the Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) produced collaboratively.

What stood out for us the most during the day was the commitment and dedication of all those present at the conference, who listened and learned through shared experience and stories. We were deeply impacted by the inclusive and safe space that we were welcomed into.

Whilst we may not understand the complexities or fully appreciate the pressure agencies and services are under, we do recognise the increasing demand on services as pressure on children, young people and families increases.

It was amazing, as a young person, to know that there are people who truly care and are passionate about transforming and protecting the lives of young people, so that all can flourish.

Watch our film We Need You To Work Together below:

It is so important to find ways to not just look but to SEE, to HEAR beyond listening, and always without fail ensure that children and young people’s voices are at the heart of everything you do.

Somerset Youth Parliament are excited to continue working and collaborating with the SSCP to identify and tackle safeguarding issues for children and young people in Somerset. We are truly grateful for all members of the partnership, who consistently ensure children and young peoples voices are at the heart of their focus, and embedded within decision making. 

We would like to thank everyone who works with and for children, young people and families in Somerset for the work you do and we urge you to keep exploring and finding ways of working together to protect and improve the lives children and young people. Be inspired and BE inspiring when working for those who haven’t got a legal voice.

You are all SO important to the success of partnership work!

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