Youth Voice

SSCP Youth Forum

Why are Somerset young people self-harming? And do they have the right support?​

The Somerset Youth Forum met over Zoom in autumn 2023 to discuss why Somerset young people self-harm, and do they have the right support?​ The group considered: Young people in the group discussed that the biggest cause of self-harm is down to poor mental health and these mental health issues can take the form of depression, not being

Why are Somerset young people self-harming? And do they have the right support?​ Read More »


Safe in the Community

Increasing the safety of children in the community is one of the SSCP’s priorities for 2023-25, with a range of activity to support this across our subgroups, training and strategy. Linking with this work and following on from a project last year, the SSCP Youth Forum chose to work on ‘What makes you feel safe

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SSCP Youth Forum

Good Emotional Health

Youth Forum kicked off 2023 looking at children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing for the Somerset Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (SSCP). The SSCP asked them to consider the theme from a slightly different angle, by looking at good emotional health. The group’s first action was a discussion around what makes them happy and how

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