The National Child Exploitation Awareness Day aims to highlight the issues surrounding Child Exploitation (CE); encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse and adopt a zero-tolerance to adults developing inappropriate relationships with children or children exploiting and abusing their peers.
National Child Exploitation Awareness Day – STOP CE – (stop-ce.org)– official information (paragraph above copied from this website)
National Child Exploitation Awareness Day – NWG Network – methods to raise awareness for the day.
Understanding Child Exploitation-useful websites: Mostly for professionals
- The Children’s Society’s has a useful website to gain further insight in child exploitation, as well as resources that can be shared with parents.
- Fearless Website
- Tackling Child Exploitation The Tackling Child Exploitation (TCE) Support Programme is a consortium funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and led by Research in Practice with The Children’s Society and the University of Bedfordshire. Since 2019, TCE has worked with local areas across England to improve strategic responses to child exploitation and extra-familial harm.
- The leading academic centre, The International Centre: Researching child sexual exploitation, violence, and trafficking at the University of Bedfordshire, provides links to research papers.
- The Contextual Safeguarding website
- NCPSS – Sexual exploitation / Criminal exploitation
- The Children’s Society Slang Dictionary
- The Children’s Society Appropriate Language in Relation to Child Exploitation
Child Sexual Exploitation:
- Government website Child Sexual Exploitation: Definition and guide for practitioners.
- Brook website provides sex and relationships education (SRE) in a range of settings and training courses for professionals working with young people.
Serious Youth Violence & Weapon Crime:
- The Ben Kinsella Trust Tackling Knife Crime
- Fearless website
- No Knives Better Lives
- Knife Crime: A Problem Solving Guide
Modern Slavery, Trafficking, and the National Referral Mechanism:
- Government Website Guidance and Referral Forms for NRM Referral.
- Unseen is a charity in the Southwest that provides a helpline for professionals when they are concerned about Modern Slavery and Trafficking to provide you with expert support. Also see the Unseen App available on android Playstore / Apple Appstore.
- The Modern Slavery Helpline and Resource Centre provides victims, the public, statutory agencies, and businesses access to report concerns and get help support and advice, on a 24/7 basis. Free phone number 0800 0121 700.
Peer on Peer abuse:
Safeguarding network Child on child abuse
Information Sharing and Intelligence:
- Capturing and Reporting Intelligence. This document can be used by families, professionals, and community members to help understand what intelligence is and how it can be reported.
- Avon and Somerset Police exploitation form– Link to submit intelligence and provide information about a suspected vulnerable or exploited person.
Disruption: (professionals)
Below toolkits are primarily aimed at frontline staff, including law enforcement, social care, education, housing, and the voluntary sector, working to safeguard children and young people under the age of 18 from sexual and criminal exploitation. Additionally, the toolkits are intended to help all safeguarding partners to understand and access existing legislative opportunities at their disposal and to target specific risks and threats.
Contextualised Safeguarding:
- Contextual safeguarding network website – Join the network for access to resources, tutorials, videos, and briefings.
Resources for Young People
- Disrespect Nobody is a government website offering support to young people. Find out about healthy relationships, relationship abuse, consent and more.
- aSkUK provide a health information app via Google Play for young people in the UK, encouraging safer sex and signposting to advice and services.
- Brook website provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing services for nearly 250,000 young people UK-wide, each year.
- The National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) is a victim organisation that can support young adults.
- Young Minds website providing support to young people with their mental. Resources also available for parents/carers and professionals, including a parent’s helpline.
- Cup of Tea Consent Informal video regarding the issue of consent
- Hollie Guard Personal Safety APP Hollie Guard is a next generation smartphone app that provides enhanced levels of protection. Hollie Guard has you covered, whether you are working alone, travelling to an unknown area, or simply commuting around town. With Hollie Guard, you can set extra levels of protection from right inside the App.
- Fearless website Young people can report a crime anonymously.
- Victim Support.org Victim Support provides a countywide service to victims of crime or someone who knows them. Their service is free to everyone, adult, or child, whether the crime has been reported or not, and regardless of when it occurred. Victim Support can be contacted on 08081 689111
Resources for Parents, Carers and Guardians
- Parents Against Sexual Exploitation (PACE) provides support and a range of resources to help parents, whose children are at risk of or involved in sexually exploitative relationships.
- Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
- NSPCC and o2 Partnership– Visit a store and get advice on Parental Controls on their child’s mobile phone, no matter what network they use.
- Criminal Exploitation Brief Guide for parents– a very brief leaflet for parents. Keeping it together: A guide for Parents on coping with CSE
- Net Aware is for parents/carers providing information about the most popular network sites and Apps that children and young people are currently using.
- Childnet International useful website for young people parent& carers and professionals around online safety, including lesson plans.
- Parentzone The Relational Safeguarding Model was developed by Parents Against Child Exploitation (PACE), to help support parents, whose children are involved in or at risk of sexual exploitation. The website includes a section for professionals.
Online Video Resources
- Know the Signs – Emma’s Story – A Victim’s Perspective of Child Sexual Exploitation by West Yorkshire Police The film shows a victim’s perspective of CSE and aims to highlight the signs to anyone who may be at risk.
- Losing Control: JAY – a story about sexual exploitation by ChildLine Jay groomed and sexually exploited his girlfriend, giving her alcohol and drugs so she would sleep with his friends.
- Child sexual exploitation: a social model of consent by University of Bedfordshire.
In this short film Professor Jenny Pearce argues that we need a ‘social model’ of consent to abusive sexual activity, to help us understand the various social and environmental factors that constrain young people’s capacity to provide consent.
- My Dangerous Lover Boy www.mydangerousloverboy.com This is a trailer for a range of resources related to trafficking.
- It is not because he loves you – Child Sexual Exploitation by Cambridgeshire Police. Short video demonstrating the grooming process of child sexual exploitation.
- What are the signs of Child Sexual Exploitation by Hertfordshire County Council. Story of a young female who was sexually exploited, which started with online grooming.
- Taylor’s story– Child Sexual Exploitation by The Children’s society. Animation on a young boy’s voice sharing his experience of child sexual exploitation, including Taylor’s experience of being groomed into sending indecent photos.
- Sarah’s online love by www.fixers.org.uk. A youth worker who is witnessed first-hand the devastation caused to young people by abuse and exploitation has created a powerful film, warning of the dangers of online grooming by sexual predators.
- Trapped- county lines What does it feel like to be Trapped? Children and young people are being criminally exploited by organised crime. This video shows the experience of one lad in Manchester.
- What is County Lines? University of Greenwich. The is the first in a series of films about the drug smuggling business, County Lines. This film explains what County Lines is and how it effects young people across the country.