The SSCP are launching a new campaign! “SSCP NAI Awareness Week 2024” will be launched in the first week of July (1st to 5th), aimed at raising awareness about non-accidental injuries to babies and support services for families.
Across the UK over the last few years there has been an increase in NAIs, particular in very young babies under the age of 1 year old, evidenced in reports from national charities, the National Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel, and more locally in Rapid Reviews and Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPRs).
The new campaign #nurture_all_infants is a collaboration between the SSCP and Somerset’s Public Health and aims to provide practitioners working with families to have an increased awareness of risk factors associated with NAIs, provide links, resources and sources of support for families to access and information and guidance for parents and carers with the launch of a new Non-accidental Injury webpage on the SSCP website.
Look out for our #nurturing_all_infants NAI Awareness Week 2024 themed social media posts and the special NAI themed edition of the SSCP Learning Bulletin! – subscribe to our newsletter NOW so you don’t miss out!
How to get involved:
Support #nurturing_all_infants SSCP NAI Awareness Week:
Get involved and support this important campaign by downloading and sharing the NAI Awareness Week campaign resources below to raise awareness of the key campaign messages of #nurturing_all_infants SSCP NAI Awareness Week!
Click on the links below to download the resources:
> Communications release – share on your agencies newsletter and internal communications
> MS Teams/Zoom campaign background – raise awareness at your next meeting!
> Social Media resources – highlight NAI Awareness week with this campaign image
> Email signature banner – highlight NAI Awareness week in your emails
> NAI Awareness Poster – highlight NAI Awareness in your organisation printable poster